Are you looking for a program that suits your needs, not an off the shelf program? Ai Group’s leadership course creator will allow you to build your own leadership program around your business specific needs. From the menu of topics, you can select and package the content into an ‘On-Site-Training Program’.

As a general rule three topics can be covered in one day of training. Furthermore, we can tailor the program to include other topics, your own policies, procedures and processes. We can even add your branding to the presentation materials.

Download Course Program Information (PDF)

Available courses:

Assertiveness Skills

The purpose of this topic is to introduce participants to the behavioural styles of aggressive, assertive and submissive. Emphasis will be placed on using assertiveness techniques.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Identify and describe the differences between aggressive, assertive and submissive (passive) behaviour styles.
  • Identify assertiveness techniques.
  • Apply assertiveness techniques in a range of situations.
  • Identify the risks of applying assertiveness techniques.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s). The use of ‘I’ Statements.

Bringing it all Together (Combined Session)

Presentation from management:

  • What the business expects from participants and those who report to them i.e. background (SWOT – the why); paint the picture of the supervisor/coordinator required – the what
  • How management is going to support participants in implementing the skills learnt

Presentation from participants:

  • What was learnt.
  • Benefits to the participant.
  • Benefits to the business.
  • Benefits to the other employees.
  • How management can help support them in implementing the skills learnt and why.

Coaching and Mentoring

The purpose of this topic is to assist participants in developing their coaching and mentoring techniques to enhance workplace relationships.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Identify coaching/mentoring strategies to assist individuals/teams.
  • Analyse the steps of coaching.
  • Analyse the steps of mentoring.
  • Discuss different motivation strategies.
  • Discuss how to develop an ‘Action Plan’ to develop coaching/mentoring skills.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).
  • Role playing: Coaching for Improvement.

Communication Skills

The purpose of this topic is to assist participants to recognise and develop various communication techniques and skills to minimise communication problems and breakdowns. Emphasis will be placed on developing effective communication patterns, questioning and listening skills.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Define effective communication.
  • Identify and discuss barriers to effective communication.
  • Recognise ineffective communication patterns.
  • Discuss perception in communication.
  • Determine what language to use in certain contexts.
  • Identify effective communication techniques to include:
    • Effective listening.
    • Effective questioning.
    • Recognising non-verbal language.


  • Small group brainstorming activities.
  • Individual case study activities.

Conducting Meetings

The purpose of this topic is to introduce participants to the skills needed to conduct effective meetings. Emphasis will be placed on developing the process skills required to effectively plan, conduct and review meetings.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Identify the steps in planning a meeting.
  • Describe what makes and breaks a meeting.
  • Discuss how to review the effectiveness of meetings.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).
  • Role playing: Conducting a Meeting.

Continuous Improvement (Quality, Customer Service, Problem Solving)

The purpose of this topic is to introduce participants to the theory and techniques of problem solving and continuous improvement in a competitive manufacturing environment and/or quality service environment. This topic will show that problem solving and continuous improvement requires significant management skills and application of sophisticated techniques.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Discuss the meaning of quality and quality improvement.
  • Identify the need for customer service.
  • Assess customer feedback channels.
  • Identify how to create value for customers.
  • Participate in an effective continuous improvement meeting.
  • Apply consensus and discuss its benefits.
  • Identify and use different problem solving processes.
  • Demonstrate an understanding and application of several key ‘Problem Solving Tools’ that can be used to bring about continuous improvement.


  • Small group brainstorming activities.
  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).

Creativity and Innovation

The purpose of this topic is to introduce participants to managing creativity and innovation in the context of a changing world, and to develop strategies to be effective in this world.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • List and describe types of changes which affect organisations.
  • Identify the barriers and benefits of creativity and innovation.
  • Recognise the core elements of an innovation system.
  • Understand the process of effective creativity and innovation.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).

Dealing with Difficult People and Conflict

The purpose of this topic is to introduce participants to the theory on conflict, and to develop the skills needed to assist participants in dealing with difficult people in their work setting and in all daily life situations.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Define conflict.
  • Identify possible causes and reasons of conflict.
  • Identify different types of people and behaviours.
  • Identify different strategies and techniques to resolve conflict.
  • Identify and discuss the use of counselling, negotiation, mediation and conflict resolution.
  • Formulate options for resolution and preferences.


  • Small group brainstorming activities.
  • Individual activities.
  • Role playing: Handling a difficult employee to bring about change.
  • Role playing: Resolving conflict between other employees.


The purpose of this topic is to develop effective delegation strategies to allow participants to be more effective in their role of a supervisor.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Discuss how to develop effective delegation strategies.
  • Identify the steps in how to delegate.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).

Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying

The purpose of this topic is to ensure that managers/supervisors understand their role in promoting a respectful workplace culture, achieving legal compliance and undertaking effective complaint handling. Participants will explore when and how they are obliged to act in a range of common workplace scenarios.

At the completion of this topic participants should be able to:

  • Define discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment) and bullying and explain the impact of it in the workplace.
  • Identify the duties and responsibilities of managers/supervisors, particularly in relation to compliance, role modelling and complaint handling.
  • Determine what constitutes reasonable management action in the context of performance management and disciplinary action.
  • Examine the potential liability of managers/supervisors and employers and how to proactively identify and address risk factors.
  • Determine how to respond effectively to allegations and complaints.
  • Apply the legal protections afforded to workers complaining of unacceptable workplace behaviour (protections against victimisation and adverse action) and workers accused of it (procedural fairness).

Effective Teams

The purpose of this topic is to introduce participants to the theory of team behaviour, identifying team roles and to develop the skills needed for participants to be effective in their role and bring about successful change.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Identify problems that teams can face.
  • Determine stages of team development and the appropriate leadership style.
  • Discuss how changing membership impacts on teams and how this could be managed.
  • Identify team building techniques.
  • Identify the various team roles using different methodologies.
  • Understand team role balance
  • Discuss the benefits of team goal setting.
  • Apply the steps and strategies for successful team goal setting.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).
  • Individual case study activities.

Effectively Managing a Mature Aged Workforce

Australia’s workforce is ageing and growth is slowing, however the average life expectancy is increasing. Our workforce is increasingly made up of middle and older aged employees. What are the implications of this in your workplace and your work practices?

This course looks at what the facts, benefits, challenges and business strategies are surrounding a mature age workforce today.

  • Maximise benefits mature aged workers bring to the workplace whilst minimising HR and WHS/OHS risks
  • Understand employment laws relating to mature aged workers
  • Understand fitness for work and return to work processes
  • Develop steps to succeed with workforce planning, recruitment and retention
  • Assisting mature aged workers with life stage planning and well-being programs

Emotional Intelligence

The purpose of this topic is to assist participants to develop emotional intelligence competencies that should help improve relationships with others.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Identify what is emotional intelligence.
  • Identify personal competencies.
  • Identify social competence.
  • Identify social skills.
  • Identify steps to take to raise emotional intelligence.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).

Goal Setting

The purpose of this topic is to assist participants to identify the key requirements of goal setting and performance and to apply these requirements to their workplace situation.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Discuss the benefits of goal setting.
  • Apply the steps and strategies for successful goal setting.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).

Leadership and Management

The purpose of this topic is to assist participants recognise and develop the various patterns and styles of effective supervision. This topic will also cover the roles and responsibilities of supervisors/managers with an emphasis placed on identifying the most appropriate leadership style required for participants to be effective in their role.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of the supervisor/manager.
  • Identify the qualities of an effective supervisor/manager.
  • Discuss the how leadership skills can be developed.
  • Define Situational Leadership.
  • Determine the leadership style to use in certain contexts.
  • Discuss perception and its effect on workplace relationships and communication.
  • Discuss the influence of personality.


  • Small group brainstorming activity.
  • Individual activity(s)
  • Individual case study activities.
  • Identifying own personality type.

Implement and Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices

The purpose of this topic is to provide participants with the skills and techniques required to effectively analyse the workplace in relation to environmentally sustainable work practices. This includes identifying, implementing and monitoring workplace improvements.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Identify the requirements of an environmental management system.
  • Investigate current practices in relation to resource usage.
  • Identifying areas for improvement.
  • Set targets for improvements.
  • Develop plans to make improvements.
  • Implement performance improvement strategies.
  • Monitor performance.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).

Legal Responsibilities (WHS, EEO)

The purpose of this topic is to introduce participants to the key points for the major pieces of legislation that impact on your legal responsibilities as a supervisor/manager. Emphasis will be placed on WHS, EEO, bullying and harassment.

At the completion of this topic, you should be able to:

  • Describe the implications of the legislation.
  • Identify major pieces of legislation that impact on supervisors/managers (WHS, EEO, bullying and harassment).
  • Identify what needs to be done to ensure compliance.
  • Identify and apply the process of risk management (WHS).


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).

Lead Change in a Competitive Environment (Managing Change)

The purpose of this topic is to assist participants in understanding the impact of change on individuals and organisations and to develop change management strategies that bring about successful change in a competitive environment.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • List and describe types of changes which affect the organisation.
  • Identify key variables that are affected by change.
  • Discuss the impact and interrelationships of different types of change on organisations.
  • Identify and discuss the reasons why people resist change.
  • Discuss the general requirements needed for successful change.
  • List strategies for overcoming resistance to change and describe how each one could be applied.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).
  • Group case study activity.

Managing Stress

The purpose of this topic is to assist participants to identify and develop stress management skills that should ensure that participants perform effectively, efficiently and enjoy the results of their work. Participants will learn to identify stressors and develop strategies to reduce stress.
At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Identify stressors and their impacts.
  • Develop effective strategies to reduce stress.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).

Managing the Boss

The purpose of this topic is to introduce participants to the skills and techniques that can be used to effectively manage the boss so that the participant, their boss and the organisation can benefit.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Identify the Boss’s personality type (DISC/MBIT/TMS).
  • Plan communication with the Boss.
  • Identify and prioritise the Boss’s requirements
  • Identify how to persuade the Boss towards another way of thinking.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).

Managing Workplace Information

The purpose of this topic is to assist participants in understanding how to identify, develop and analyse information from appropriate sources to convey information, using the most appropriate communication method.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Identify and monitor routine information flow.
  • Apply information management systems.
  • Identify and use technology relevant to the needs.
  • Evaluate information received from external and internal sources.
  • Develop methods to communicate clearly and concisely.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).

Mental Health and Awareness for Managers and Supervisors

The purpose of workshop to identify strategies to allow participants identify and manage workplace mental health issues with team members to be more effective in their role of a supervisor/manager.

At the completion, supervisors and managers should be able to:

  • Discuss the impact of mental health in the workplace.
  • Identify the signs that an employee may be suffering from a mental health illness.
  • Identify how they can address mental health problems in the workplace.
  • Promote mental health awareness in the workplace and reduce the stigma attached to mental health.
  • Identify services that can be used for assisting employees’ who may be suffering from a mental illness.
  • Identify how they can look after their own mental health.

A shorter version of the program can be delivered to all your employees, please call to discuss.

Please note that this workshop is not intended as a substitute for mental health assessment, medical or psychiatric consultation, assessment or treatment.

Mental Health (Performance Management)

The purpose of this topic is to establish strategies to allow participants to identify and manage workplace metal health issues with team members and to be more effective in their role of a supervisor/manager. This session also examines the legal requirements of performance management.

At the completion of this topic, you should be able to:

  • Discuss the impact of mental health in the workplace.
  • Identify the signs that an employee may be suffering from a mental health illness.
  • Identify how supervisors/managers can address mental health problems in the workplace.
  • Identify the key principles in a performance procedure.
  • Identify and discuss legal risks.
  • Identify the process of managing poor performance.
  • Identify and discuss how to conduct a disciplinary/counselling interview.


The purpose of this topic is to examine the traditional approaches to motivation and to provide participants with techniques so they can gain the best from their employees. Emphasis will be placed on applying this knowledge.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Identify and review the approaches to motivation.
  • Develop approaches to motivate that are appropriate in changing work environments.
  • Describe the factors that motivate employees and teams.
  • Apply theories of motivation.


  • Small group brainstorming activity.
  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).

Operational Planning and Acquiring Resources (Managing Operations)

The purpose of this topic is to introduce participants to the skills needed for planning. Emphasis will be placed on leadership abilities to effectively acquire resources. This topic will also cover recruitment and selection.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Identify resources required by the team to fulfil team performance.
  • Plan to acquire physical resources required.
  • Examine the importance of monitoring performance systems and processes.
  • Implement operational plan that contributes to organisational performance
  • Identify the procedures for recruiting employees.
  • Identify and discuss how to conduct interviews effectively and legally.
  • Identify and discuss how to reference check.
  • Identify and discuss how to develop an effective advertisement.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).

Organisational Culture, Politics, Cultural Differences and Ethics

The purpose of this topic is to assist participants in identifying the impact and influence of politics and culture on the work environment. This topic will also provide participants with the knowledge of the nature of morality and ethics to enable participants to apply ethical theories to typical ethical dilemmas in an organisational context.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Define politics as it applies to the work environment.
  • Identify the skills necessary to manage the politics of the work environment.
  • Identify the characteristics of organisation culture.
  • Identify the difference between overt and covert culture.
  • Identify the cross cultural differences.
  • Describe the nature of morality and ethics.
  • Discuss the issues surrounding morality and self interest.
  • Outline some common ethical norms and the bases of moral standards.
  • Explain how circumstances can influence moral notions and moral rules.
  • Outline the main Western theories of ethics.
  • Show an awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of the range of theories.
  • Define the concept of an ethical dilemma and describe typical ethical dilemmas faced in an organisational context.
  • Apply ethical theories to typical ethical dilemmas in an organisational context.
  • Discuss ‘Situational Attribution of Behaviour’.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).

Performance Appraisals

The purpose of this topic is to assist participants in developing skills and strategies to conduct a productive performance appraisal.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Discuss the reasons for performance appraisals.
  • Identify and discuss the process of conducting a performance appraisal.
  • Discuss the general requirements needed for a successful performance appraisal.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).

Performance Management (Disciplinary Procedures)

The purpose of this topic is to assist participants to develop counselling skills that should help participants to improve the performance of individuals in the workplace. This topic also examines the legal requirements of performance management.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Identify the reasons for under-performance.
  • Identify the process of managing poor performance.
  • Identify and discuss the features and stages of a disciplinary procedure.
  • Identify and discuss how to conduct a disciplinary/counselling interview.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).
  • Role playing: Conduct a simple counselling interview.

Personality Styles (DISC)

The purpose of this session is to introduce you to personality styles to provide you with the knowledge so you can gain the best from your employees.

At the completion of this session, you should be able to:

  • Identify your personality style as developed from the ‘DISC’ system.
  • Know the elements of personality styles.
  • Apply your knowledge of personal styles.

Planning and Organising (Including Time Management)

The purpose of this topic is to assist participants to identify and develop planning, organising and time management skills. This will ensure participants can perform in their role effectively and efficiently, and, enjoy the results of their work. Participants will learn to identify the jobs that are most important and least important. Participants will discover how they can focus their time on the most critical tasks and learn how to avoid time wasters.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Decide on how to develop priorities.
  • Describe how to draw up time schedules.
  • Discuss how to ensure efficient use of equipment, materials and people.
  • dentify and discuss how to coordinate people and jobs.
  • Identify and discuss how to assign daily workloads.
  • Analyse how time is spent and identify opportunities for improvement.
  • Identify which tasks are most critical to achieving long term goals.
  • Discuss how to plan time efficiently using planning tools.
  • Discuss how to control time wasters.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).

Problem Solving, Negotiation and Decision Making

The purpose of this topic is to introduce participants to the theory and techniques of problem solving and negotiation and to develop the skills needed in decision making processes.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding and application of several key ‘Problem Solving Tools’ that can be used to bring about agreement.
  • Identify different decision making processes.
  • Apply consensus and discuss its benefits.
  • Identify the different stages of day-to-day workplace negotiation.
  • State the principles that underlie the day-to-day workplace negotiation process.
  • Plan a successful day-to-day workplace negotiation.


  • Small group brainstorming activity.
  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).
  • Role playing: Negotiation.

Project Management (Soft Skills)

The purpose of this topic is to introduce participants to the soft skills needed to effectively plan, implement and manage a project. Emphasis will be placed on developing project process skills.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Identify problems that projects can face.
  • Identify the skills required to manage a project.
  • Identify the various stages of managing a project.
  • Identify and use appropriate project management tools and techniques.
  • Plan and implement a project.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).
  • Individual case study activity.

Recruit, Select and Induct Staff

The purpose of this topic is to introduce participants to the procedures and skills of recruitment and selection. Emphasis will be placed on how to conduct interviews effectively and legally.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Identify the procedures for recruiting employees.
  • Determine job descriptions.
  • Plan for selection.
  • Identify and discuss how to conduct interviews effectively and legally.
  • Assess and select applicants.
  • Identify and discuss how to develop an effective advertisement.
  • Induct new employees.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).

Risk Management

The purpose of this topic is to introduce participants to the skills needed to effectively manage risk in an organisational or project management context.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Identify hazards and risks that organisations or ‘projects’ can face i.e. environmental issues, public risk and general liability, reputation and image issues.
  • Assess hazards using an appropriate methodology, i.e. internal system.
  • Select appropriate control strategies to manage identified risks.
  • Identify risk management documentation.
  • Discuss contingency planning.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).
  • Individual case study activity.

Workplace Health and Safety (WHS)

The purpose of this topic is to establish strategies to allow participants to identify and manage workplace health and safety issues with team members and to be more effective in their role of a supervisor/manager.

At the completion of this topic participants should be able to:

  • Identify their roles and responsibilities in relation to current Work Health and Safety (WHS) legislation.
  • Identify hazards and apply appropriate strategies to reduce the risk arising from the hazards.
  • Explain strategies and processes in managing WHS in the workplace.

Workplace Training

The purpose of this topic is to introduce participants to the subject of training, learning and facilitation, the reasons for it and the Australian Training System. This topic outlines how adults learn and how to incorporate the principles of adult learning into a training session. The objective is to learn to deliver effective education to help increase the capability and efficiency of employees.

At the completion of this topic, participants should be able to:

  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of the parties to vocational training.
  • Summarise the principles of adult learning.
  • Describe the implications of adult learning.
  • Describe the tools and techniques for a systematic approach to training and assessment.
  • Develop a simple workplace training session.


  • Small group activity(s).
  • Individual activity(s).

Need help?

Training enquiries
1300 55 66 77 option 3 and ask for Training

Members with a Workplace enquiry can call the Workplace Advice Line
1300 55 66 77 and press option 1
(Overseas: +61 3 9867 0100)

Weekdays from 8.30am to 5.30pm
(Australian Eastern Daylight/Standard Time)

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If you would like to put together a program for your business, please get in touch with our training team and we can provide you with further information and pricing.

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