Effective and positive input from Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) can assist an organisation’s management to be proactive on OHS related issues across all work sites.
This WorkSafe approved HSR Refresher OHS Training Course is an opportunity for HSR's to revisit aspects of the HSR Initial OHS Training Course in order to refresh their knowledge so that they may effectively represent their designated work group and help make their workplace safer.
This course covers:
Under the OHS Act (section 67) all elected HSRs and deputy HSRs after completing an initial course of training, have an entitlement (for each year they hold office) to attend Refresher training and choose the course in consultation with their employer.
Duration: 1 day
Cost: From $330
This program is aimed at Health and Safety Representatives. Please note that it is the HSRs right to choose a course that is approved by WorkSafe in consultation with the employer, s67 of OHS Act 2004.
Training enquiries
1300 55 66 77 option 3 and ask for Training
Members with a Workplace enquiry can call the Workplace Advice Line
1300 55 66 77 and press option 1
(Overseas: +61 3 9867 0100)
Weekdays from 8.30am to 5.30pm
(Australian Eastern Daylight/Standard Time)