The Sample: Behavioural Questions - Recruiting for Emotional Intelligence resource will assist HR, leaders and organisations to ask questions within an interview process that are focussed on the key areas of Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The included questions aim to provide an insight into the applicant’s EQ based on five core areas:
It is important that organisations do not use these questions in isolation, and it is recommended that they are used to compliment other behavioural questions prepared to assess the key competencies of the position.
The questions within this document are not exhaustive and are provided as a guide to assist HR and leaders with their recruitment. Those using these questions are encouraged to think about the most appropriate question for the role and adapt them where applicable.
For related information please see our articles, ‘Emotional intelligence’ and ‘Emotional intelligence and leadership’ and our extensive resources and tools to support the recruitment process.
Members who require further assistance can contact Ai Group or call Ai Group’s Workplace Advice Line on 1300 55 66 77.
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