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Regulatory compliance obligations for building materials and products

05 Jul 2024
Member Price: Free
Building & Construction
The Ai Group Construction Supply Chain Council (CSCC) is pleased to present this webinar on the obligations of businesses and individuals in the chain of responsibility for providing conforming and compliant materials and products as well as descriptive information as to product performance characteristics.

Queensland – New WHS obligations commence on 29 July

09 Jul 2024
Member Price: Free
All Sectors
Significant changes to the WHS Act, relevant to every business in Queensland, are due to commence on 29 July 2024. Many of these changes relate to health and safety representatives (HSRs). This webinar will provide an overview of the changes and the impact they will have on employers, and will also provide an overview of the functions, rights and powers of HSRs to establish a context for the changes relating to them.

Digital and social skills required in the workplace today

10 Jul 2024
Member Price: Free
All Sectors
In its July webinar, Ai Group's Centre for Education and Training explores the mix of digital and human skills needed in the modern workplace. Is there a need for a new combination of these skills that is changing the nature of work? And what are the implications for the development of these skills during tertiary education?

Engaging with First Nations businesses

11 Jul 2024
Member Price: Free
All Sectors
Businesses seeking to build engagement with First Nations businesses often don't know where to start. In this special online event to mark National NAIDOC Week 2024, we are joined by two inspirational First Nations leaders who actively support collaboration and partnerships with the broader business community. They will offer valuable insights into how your organisation can better engage with First Nations Businesses.

Participate in Australian Government Procurement/Contracting Opportunities

18 Jul 2024
Member Price: Free
All Sectors
The Australian Government is a large potential market for businesses of all sizes. In 2022-23 more than 83,000 contracts with a total value of $74.8 billion were awarded to businesses. If you are interested in understanding how to participate in Australian Government procurement and contracting opportunities, come along to this introductory session to find out more.

Harness the Power of LinkedIn Masterclass 15Aug24

15 Aug 2024
Member Price: $55.00
Non-Member Price: $66.00
All Sectors
With over 1 billion members, LinkedIn is the world’s largest online professional network. LinkedIn is the number one channel for business-to-business (B2B) marketers to distribute content and is rated as the top social network for lead generation. If you are not harnessing the power of LinkedIn, you should be. Come and find out how to make it work for you.