John Tiong

John Tiong

Principal Advisor - Work Health Safety Consulting Services

02 9466 5451


John is Ai Group’s Occupational Hyienist who has more than 25 years’ experience in work health, safety & environment.  His experience includes the private and public sector including manufacturing, commercial property, transport and logistics, contractor management, mining, local government and health services.

With a strong passion for finding solutions for abstract hygiene issues faced within businesses and has gained an in-depth knowledge regarding the implementation and development of integrated quality WHSE management systems and frameworks.  John is an active member of the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists and has been involved in working groups such as the Breathe Freely Mandarin Working Group which raised awareness of air and the safe use of respiratory protection for Mandarin-speaking stonemasons.

While Work Health Safety remains the responsibility of both management and workers, it is skill in understanding the often-unique interaction between management and workers within an organisation to determine how best to apply them when working to improve an organisations safety performance. In pursuit of this, significant areas for workplace action include:

  • Being compliant and up to date with WHS legislative requirements
  • Understanding human behaviour and expectation are unique for individuals and between different companies.
  • Understanding how to identify and manage critical risks
  • Looking beyond compliance, and focussing on improved safety performance
  • The provision of a safe work environment that supports a reduction in workplace injury and associated costs.

John can work with you to:

  • Undertake occupational hygiene Assessments
  • Provide Occupational Hygiene Advice & Solutions
  • Provide Asbestos Management Advice & Solutions
  • Audit and develop a WHS and Quality management system. (including, ISO 9001, AS 4801, Self-Insurance Models including Comcare)
  • Develop and implement an integrated WHSE Management System
  • Develop programs to effectively manage Labour Hire and Contractors
  • Conduct Accident/Incident Investigations
  • Conduct Risk Assessments
  • Recommend best practice Return to Work processes
  • Review and develop Risk Register
  • Occupational Stress Analysis
  • Environmental Analysis

John’s extensive experience in occupational hygiene matters, work health safety and environmental management places him in a key position to provide your business with practical solutions to make your business productive, efficient and safe.

Need help?

The Workplace Advice Line is Ai Group’s national telephone advisory service for all your on the spot workplace related questions.

Call the Workplace Advice Line
1300 55 66 77 and press option 1
(Overseas: +61 3 9867 0100). Email:

Weekdays from 8.30am to 5.30pm
(Australian Eastern Daylight/Standard Time)

General enquiries

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