Members of the Australian Industry Group were given the opportunity to help shape Work Health and Safety (WHS) and Workers’ Compensation policy at an inaugural event in Melbourne last week.  

The National Employers Work Health and Safety (NEWHS) Summit 2024 gave employers and their industry bodies direct access to Ai Group and the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) — the employer representatives on the Safe Work Australia (SWA) governing body. 

Ai Group’s National WHS & Workers' Compensation Policy Manager, Tracey Browne, who facilitated the event along with ACCI’s Jennifer Low, said the summit aimed to stimulate thought and conversation on WHS issues. 

“It was about bringing people together to share information and insights through group work and to learn from speakers,” she said. 

Tracey in action at the inaugural National Employers Work Health and Safety (NEWHS) Summit.

“We encouraged attendees to tell us what their issues are, to help us inform the policy position that we have with Safe Work Australia. 

“We hope to keep the conversation going in a virtual environment and welcome other interested employers within Ai Group to join our newly formed National Employers WHS Forum.” 

Ai Group and ACCI hope to run the summit every year, pending funding. 

Reach out to Tracey for more information about the Forum, including how to join. 

Ai Group also runs a network for members’ staff with WHS responsibilities. WHS Connect is focused on practical solutions to WHS issues, connection and meaningful dialogue with regulators when required. To join, please send your contact details and member number to Andrew Campbell. 

Wendy Larter

Wendy Larter is Communications Manager at the Australian Industry Group. She has more than 20 years’ experience as a reporter, features writer, contributor and sub-editor for newspapers and magazines including The Courier-Mail in Brisbane and Metro, the News of the World, The Times and Elle in the UK.