This Member Advice provides important information about:

  • Bills in Parliament:
    - Victoria – Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment (WorkCover Scheme Modernisation) Bill 2023 – release of Inquiry Report.
    - ACT – Workplace Legislation Amendment Bill 2024.
    - Tasmania – Sentencing amendment (presumptive sentencing for assaults on frontline workers) Bill 2024.
  • Consultation on WHS and Workers’ Compensation Issues:
    - The Victorian review of sentencing of OHS offences – consultation paper released and reminder about consultation forums that have commenced. ​​​​​​​Public consultation closes Friday 31 May 2024. 
    - New South Wales – Industrial Manslaughter provisions.
  • New or updated codes and guidance materia:
    ​​​​​​​- Guide – Designing work to manage psychosocial risks
  • Opportunities to engage in policy discussions that are not public comment processes.
  • Ai Group’s WHS Connect.

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