This Member Advice provides important information about:

• Legislative Changes:
o Queensland – Effective dates announced for WHS amendments.
o Western Australia – Workers’ compensation changes commence 1 July 2024.
o Update on national ban on engineered stone benchtops, slabs and panels.
o New Workplace Exposure Limits for airborne contaminants published.

• Bills before Parliament:
o Queensland - Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation and Other Legislation. Amendment Bill 2024. Update on Committee inquiry.

• WHS Ministers Meeting 10 May 2024.

• Inquiries and Public Comment:
o Northern Territory electrical safety laws, public comment closes 2 June 2024.
o Report of the Victorian Inquiry into the impact of road safety behaviours on
vulnerable road users.

• Publications of interest:
o Safe Work Australia – Comparison of workers’ compensation arrangements in
Australia and New Zealand; Early intervention in the workers’ compensation process.
o International Labour Organisation - Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate.

• Opportunities to engage in policy discussions that are not public comment processes.

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