This Member Advice provides important information about:

  • Legislative Changes:
    • Queensland - Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024 has been passed, creating significant changes that will require employers to take action.
    • Queensland – Electrical Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, which includes amendments to the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and the Safety in Recreational Water Activities Act 2024.
    • Queensland – new Codes of Practice – Mobile cranes, rural plant and sugar mill safety. 
    • Queensland – new regulations and Code of Practice for recreational water activities.
  • National Heavy Vehicle Regulator – Mobile Crane Industry Code of Practice.
  • Inquiries, reviews and public comment:
    • National – Union officials assisting health and safety representatives
      • Review of operation of Fair Work Act 2009 provisions.
    • NSW – 2024 Review of the Dust Diseases scheme.
    • Report of the Victorian Inquiry into workplace drug testing.
  • Ai Group Members talking about psychosocial risks – get involved!
  • Publications of interest: 
    • Various documents from Safe Work Australia.
  • Opportunities to engage in discussions about legislation change and development of guidance that are not public comment processes. A list of currently active topics is included in the Advice.

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