On 12 August 2024, the Federal Government introduced the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Administration) Bill 2024 (Cth) into the Senate. The Bill passed Parliament on 20 August 2024 and achieved Royal Assent on 22 August 2024 (the Act).

Details of this new Act can be found in our Member Advice NAT 029/24. That advice provided a summary of the Bill and outlined how Members can seek assistance with any concerns they might have about the CFMEU.

Subsequently, the Attorney General on 23 August 2024 enacted the Scheme of Administration, through the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) (CFMEU Construction and General Division Administration) Determination 2024.

The Determination had the effect of immediately putting the CFMEU under administration, appointing the Administrator and the removal of over 200 officeholders.

Rallies across the country in support of the CFMEU are purportedly being organised, to take place on the morning of Tuesday, 27 August 2024. This may result in some employees (including those who are not members of the CFMEU) not attending work, with or without their employer’s authorisation, in order to attend the rallies. Members concerned should contact Ai Group for urgent advice. 

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