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In this first episode of Ai Group’s new podcast series, host James Scotland chats at length with world leading supply chain academic, Professor Stephen A MeInyk from Michigan State University, to find out what went wrong during Covid, what we can learn from the that era, and what comes next.

In a wide-ranging discussion, James and Stephen discuss the changing, unclear, disruptive nature of modern supply chains from the view of traditional supply chain managers who love good systems, repeatable dependably processes and order. Times have changed so what’s the new way of managing supply chains?

Stephen’s renowned ability to identify insights and new reality is on show as the pair discuss, among other issues:

  • What went wrong during Covid
  • The shifting power between suppliers and buyers, and the need for both to ‘lift their game’
  • The importance of managing end to end and not just ‘one up, one down’
  • The importance of seeing the value chain aspects of increased inventory
  • Managing supply chains in time of confusion, disruption and lack of clarity
  • And much more

This extended episode covers a lot of ground, and is worth a listen.  

Dr Steven MeInyk, Professor of Production and Operations Management at the Graduate School of Business Administration at Michigan State University.

Steven is the author or co-author of over 20 books and hundreds of published articles. He has been a leader in his field for decades: In 1999 he wrote Supply Chain Management – Redefining the Transformation Process and 18 years and many books later he authored Developing sustainable supply chains to drive value.

For more about Steven: https://broad.msu.edu/profile/melnyk/


James Scotland

After a long career in multiple aspects of supply chain management, corporate training and business advisory, James brings a business improvement mindset to his role as General Manager of Supply Chain Resilience for Ai Group. A skilled communicator and adviser, James has been involved with Oil & Gas, the Defence industry and supply chain across the board for over 40 years.

James has a Masters degree in International Management and a partially completed Doctor of Business Administration. He says he'll get around to finishing it when he retires.