Greater investment in, and improved approaches to skills development, education and training are fundamental to our further economic and social development.

Shortages of skilled labour across a growing range of occupations are a clear constraint on business expansion and the provision of goods and services by both the public and private sectors. Skill shortages, including in the important area of skills related to digitisation, are holding back the ability of businesses and other organisations to adopt new technologies and processes. Looking ahead, higher levels of workforce skills and ongoing skills development are essential to the ability of Australia to thrive in the transitions ahead of us in the face of environmental, demographic and technological pressures.

Ai Group’s skills, education and training policy proposals for the 2022 federal election focus on three areas: improving our approach to skills needs, qualifications, education and training; the opportunities presented by work-integrated learning (including apprenticeships); and the importance of developing foundation skills – including in workplaces.

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