Ai Group welcomed the creation of a new Senate Select Committee on Work and Care and the opportunity to provide a written submission to the Work and Care Inquiry.

The ability to combine paid employment with ongoing caring responsibilities is an important social and economic objective. Workforce connection and participation are an important part of social inclusion and wellbeing and delivers greater economic security for persons who are carers.

Australia is also witnessing a labour market where job vacancies have risen to record levels. Nationally, job vacancies began rising in the third quarter of 2020, and have since more than doubled to 480,000. This is more than twice the normal rate of vacancies in the Australian economy.

Employers have an important role to play in supporting employees with caring responsibilities and many do so in diverse ways commensurate with capacity and resources.

A range of matters covered in the terms of reference of this Inquiry were identified in the Australian Government’s Jobs and Skills Summit – Outcomes document and we have mentioned some of these in this submission. Ai Group will continue to be a considered and constructive voice for employers in further consultations with the Australian Government on these issues.

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