Ai Group welcomed the opportunity to provide a submission regarding the above consultation paper.

Consultation with our members confirms a keen interest in the ambition to develop green metals industries in Australia.  

That ambition aligns with global trends towards sustainability and net zero emissions. As the world grapples with climate change, industries are shifting towards more environmentally friendly practices. Green metals, produced using renewable energy or processes that minimise emissions, represent a significant step in this direction and are essential to decarbonise the world. 

Further, that ambition offers economic opportunities. The global demand for green metals is growing, driven by industries such as electric vehicles and renewable energy, and ultimately a successful global response to climate change implies that use of green metals will become standard practice everywhere. By positioning itself for comparative advantage in this market, Australia can hedge against the expected long-term contraction of demand for emissions intensive exports, stimulate high quality job creation, drive economic growth, and secure a competitive edge in the global economy. 

Finally, green metals may also help Australia meet its own climate goals to cut emissions 43% by 2030, with even deeper cuts under consideration for 2035 and net zero by 2050 legislated. Conventional production of the metals identified within the paper is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. Transitioning domestically consumed metals production to greener pathways can significantly reduce Australia's industrial emissions, helping it meet its commitments under international climate agreements.

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