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New Fair Work Act provisions commenced on 6 June 2023 in relation to the rights of certain employees to request flexible work arrangements and the obligations on employers.

These provisions are significant and attract new civil penalties for employers who fail to comply. The new flexible work provisions should be understood by all employers as part of managing broader workplace strategies in addition to the circumstances of individual employees.


  • Additional personal circumstances entitle an employee to request flexible work arrangements;
  • Employers have additional procedural obligations in discussing and considering such requests;
  • The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has the power to conciliate and/or arbitrate disputes and make orders in respect of these matters; and
  • There are corresponding civil penalties for non-compliance of these NES provisions and any corresponding FWC order.

This webinar will outline:

  • The legislative changes made under the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Act 2022 (Cth), as well as the relevant context; and
  • The implications for employers and practical guidance on:

o             what's meant by reasonable business grounds for refusal; and

o             aligning policies and procedures.

o             engaging in conversations with employees;


Katie Hossain, Lawyer, Ai Group Workplace Lawyers and Workplace Relations Adviser, Ai Group

Daniel Murray, Legal Practitioner Director, Ai Group Workplace Lawyers and Principal Adviser, Workplace Relations, Ai Group

Nicola Street, Director – Workplace Relations Policy, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Ai Group


Terry Crotty, Regional Manager NSW, Ai Group

What's next?

See what webinars we have planned in our Events Calendar.