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TAFE Centres of Excellence are rolling out across the country after being included as a flagship model under the 2023 National Skills Agreement between the Australian Government and all State and Territory Governments. The Australian Government, through last year's Working Future Employment White Paper, provided additional funding for TAFE Centres of Excellence to fast-track six Centres in priority industries.

The concept of these new Centres promises to deliver some great benefits for industry. Each will focus on an industry sector and will become a national network for that sector, working with partners from industry, universities and community to share practice and work on practical solutions to meet skills needs. Innovation will underpin the Centres, with industry supported through applied research and problem-solving.

Announcements have already been made to establish a Centre in Electric Vehicles, in Clean Energy, in Care and Support industries and in Early Childhood Education and Care. The establishment of Centres focussed on the key areas of Manufacturing and Digital Technologies are anticipated soon, with other Centres to be created over a five-year period.


Jenny Dodd, CEO, TAFE Directors Association

Richard Lindsay, Industry and Training Manager, Canberra Institute of Technology Electric Vehicle TAFE Centre of Excellence

Gavin Lind, CEO, Australian Mining and Automotive Skills Alliance – a key industry partner involved with the Electric Vehicle Centre of Excellence along with Tesla and Komatsu


Anne Younger, Senior Policy Consultant. Centre for Education and Training

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