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Learn how R&D Tax Incentive helps your business innovate and grow by offsetting some of the costs of eligible research and development (R&D) .

Innovation in this context means coming up with new ways to do things. That can either be through changing processes or creating more effective products and ideas, but if these processes, products, or ideas involve the creation of new knowledge, then your business can almost certainly be eligible for REBATES from the government. 

The rebate comes from the Research & Development Tax Incentive (RDTI) program which encourages companies to engage in R&D by providing a tax offset for eligible R&D activities. By investing in eligible R&D, the government will provide businesses with up to 46.5% of their money back in the form of a cash refund or a tax break. When you look at the RDTI as free money back to the company, you would have to be curious as to why so many eligible companies do not participate in the scheme? 

The applications to the RDTI program for the FY23 financial year close on 30th April 2024.  NOW is a perfect opportunity to claim eligible R&D for FY 2023 but more importantly set up R&D planning for future years. 

This webinar covered how companies can avoid the 5 most common mistakes that companies make in accessing or claiming for RDT: 

  • Companies are unaware of the opportunity available through the RDTI (Rebate) 
  • Most RDTI claims are made looking backwards, rather than looking forwards. 
  • Companies tend to view the RDTI primarily as a tax advisory issue. 
  • R&D plans and documentation processes are not set up or understood properly to ensure successful RDTI claims. 
  • Companies miscalculate the risk of penalty and consequences associated with incorrectly supported claims. 


Darren Bilborough, Managing Director - R&D Certainty 


Shirley Ng, National Manager - International Competitiveness, Ai Group

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