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Is your business keen to increase procurement from First Nations businesses?

This practical webinar took a deep dive into this topic including:

  • How to get started
  • The benefits to your business and
  • How procuring from First Nations businesses can support business and economic development, providing Indigenous Australians with more opportunities to participate in the economy.

Our panellists gave you a first-hand account of the power of First Nations procurement, shared success stories of others who have benefited and provide practical tips on strategies you can apply in your business.

The Australian Government’s Indigenous Procurement Policy (IPP) aims to support growth in the First Nations business sector by significantly increasing the rate of purchasing from First Nations businesses. Since it began in 2015, more than $9 billion in Commonwealth contracts have been awarded to First Nations businesses.

This webinar was held during National Reconciliation Week (NRW),
May 27-June 3, which is "a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia".
This year’s NRW theme: Now More Than Ever.



Adrian Lepou, Relationship Manager, Supply Nation

Michael McMillan, Managing Director, AEP Engineering

Joe Wallace, Managing Director, Multhana Property Services


Jodie van Deventer, Chief Operating Officer, Ai Group

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