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The Work Health and Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Act made some significant changes to the WHS Act in Queensland that impact on employers.

Many of these relate to health and safety representatives (HSRs), including making sure that all workers understand their rights to seek the election of HSRs.

The changes are relevant to every business in Queensland, even those that don’t currently have elected HSRs. In addition, the Act introduces the ability for unions to start civil proceedings against a business in relation to union right of entry powers; it also enables businesses to start civil proceedings if an entry permit holder breaches specific requirements of the Act.

This webinar consisted of two parts:

  • Part 1 – Provides an overview of the functions, rights, and powers of HSRs to establish a context for the legislative changes relating to them.
  • Part 2 – Provides an overview of the changes and the impact that these changes will have on employers.


Tracey Browne, Manager, National WHS and Workers’ Compensation Policy and Membership Services, Ai Group

Margo Grant, Senior Adviser, WHS Consulting Services, Ai Group

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