Just in case we need to add a WYSIWYG block to every page. We can hide this in the meantime.

We welcome all Small Business Owners to come along to this important, informative session which will be delivered in plain English by Ai Group's Commercial Legal Team.

This '101' session is designed to give you, as a Business Owner, an overview of the principles of business contracting and empower you make the right calls at the right time, from a legal perspective.

Included in the webinar:

  • Contracts – an overview of contract law to help your business to effectively enter into and manage contracts.
  • PPSA – the importance of the Personal Property Securities Act, and how business can effectively use it – or be impacted if your business does not use it;
  • Intellectual Property – the basics of IP, why it is important, and how it may impact your business.

There will also be an opportunity for attendees to ask Contract/IP-related questions to the team.

The program is jointly funded by the Australian and Victorian Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements for the Victorian Floods which commenced in October 2022 (AGRN 1037) (the “Victorian Floods”).

Business Recovery Advisory Service - Victoria

The Business Recovery Advisory Service provides expert guidance and tailored support to small businesses located in an eligible local government area affected by the 2022 Victorian floods.

What's next?

See what webinars we have planned in our Events Calendar.