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Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP) - Could some of your employees be more invested in your business?

Retaining key personnel is one of the most challenging aspects of effective business management. Employees often leave when they feel unsatisfied with their compensation, work arrangements, company culture, or overall engagement. However, by strategically implementing an Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP), you can not only attract and keep top talent but also motivate and reward them to consistently perform at their best.

ESOPs create a unique corporate environment where employees become deeply invested in the company's success. This heightened commitment helps shield your business from external pressures and drives long-term sustainability by encouraging innovation and improvement, giving you a significant competitive edge.

Designed as a flexible and customisable succession strategy, ESOPs can be adapted to align with your financial situation and timeline, ensuring a smooth integration into your overall business plan.

In this Webinar, we discussed: 

  • A thorough understanding of Employee Share Ownership Plans and how they work. 
  • Insight into how to effectively implement an ESOP tailored to your business needs. 
  • Strategies to engage your employees in driving collective success. 
  • Answers to all your questions about ESOPs. 


Craig West, CEO and Founder Succesion Plus

Craig West is a strategic accountant who has over 25 years of experience advising business owners.

His background as a CPA in public practice provided invaluable experience in the key issues of concern to business owners.

Craig West now acts as a strategic business and financial mentor for mid-market business owners. Craig has written numerous critically acclaimed books educating business owners on employee incentives, succession planning, asset protection and exit


Shirley Ng, National Manager, International Competitiveness

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