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Companies that interact with universities commonly do so to provide a time-limited placement for a student. Such arrangements are often highly valuable for the business and the student. However, for the benefit of all, the time has come to significantly upscale learning and work interactions between companies, universities and students during a student’s learning journey. Why?

Accelerating technology and work environment changes mean knowledge and skills are changing more quickly too. For students, being immersed in a work environment builds the valued characteristics of agility, resilience and critical thinking more quickly alongside relevant technical/specialist knowledge.

Increasingly industry is therefore an essential partner to ensure that the learning students experience is relevant and of good quality. Indeed, increasingly industry must be the learning environment that students experience.

  • the overwhelming case for widespread work-integrated learning (WIL);
  • the breadth of WIL forms, from micro-placements through to degree apprenticeships;
  • policy directions; and
  • current support and resources for companies and universities.

Luke Sheehy, CEO, Universities Australia
Michael O'Connor, President, Australian Collaborative Education Network (ACEN)
Erika Hughes, Commercial Director, Integra Systems

Megan Lilly, Executive Director, Centre for Education & Training, Ai Group

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