Complimentary IR Assistance

The Australian Government is implementing significant changes to the workplace relations laws through three tranche of legislative amendments.

  • Tranche 1 – the Secure Jobs, Better Pay amendments, which introduced changes including multi-enterprise bargaining, new rules around enterprise agreement making, bargaining disputes, employee requests for flexible work arrangement, and the use of fixed term contracts and pay secrecy requirements;
  • Tranche 2 – the Protecting Worker Entitlements amendments, which introduced changes including to unpaid parental leave arrangements, the implementation of superannuation entitlement under the National Employment Standards, and changes to authorised payroll deductions;
  • Tranche 3 – the Closing the Loophole Bill, which proposes major changes relating to the use of labour hire and similar arrangements (the same job, same pay provisions), new rules and restrictions on the engagement of casual employees, changes to the engagement of independent contractors, the regulation of road transport industry supply chains, and changes to union ‘right of entry’ and ‘delegate rights’

Many of these changes have recently commenced operation, while others are either set to commence in the near future or still being considered by Parliament.

With the support of the Australian Government, Ai Group is currently providing an education and assistance program to assist employers to understand the changes that have been implemented and those on the horizon.

Complimentary Services for Employers

Ai Group is offering the following services and information to help you understand and comply with changes to workplace relations laws. Business which sign up to the program will receive:

  • Access to experienced Industrial Relations advisers on our WR Assist Hotline
  • Access to our practical Employer Advices and Guides on the legislative changes
  • Access to Online Workplace Relations Webinars, Podcasts and Meetings plus the opportunity to meet face-to-face with IR experts and peers in your sector for Briefings and Workshops.

Sign up using the form to get instant access to resources and upcoming events.

Ai Group

The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) is one of Australia's largest and most well respected employer associations. It has been engaged in the development of these laws and is uniquely placed to provide expert advice and assistance regarding thier impact.

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Member Resources

Members can access a comprehensive suite of resources and upcoming events by logging into the IR Legislation Changes section of the website

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