Ai Group monitors and analyses developments across the Australian economy. We produce a range of regular activity indicators, reports, submissions and research notes about issues that affect Australian business and industry.
The Ai Group Australian Industry Index® is representative of the modern industrial ecosystem. It brings together the manufacturing, construction, engineering, technology and business services sectors – industries which together account for 36% of the Australian economy.
Recognising the heritage and importance of the Australian PMI® and Australia PCI®, both will continue as sub-indicators available within the Ai Group Australian Industry Index®, however, there will no longer be separate release dates for these indexes.
The Ai Group Australian Industry Index® is regularly published on the first working Wednesday of each month (or the following working day if the Wednesday is a national holiday): Australian Industry Index release dates 2025
The Ai Group Australian Industry Index® declined by 1.1 points to
-17.6 points in February (seasonally adjusted). The index has indicated contraction for the last thirty-two months.
In the March edition of Economic Intelligence we cover:
Our reports and time series data for the Ai Group Australian Industry Index® are available free of charge to Ai Group members at any time via email from our economics research team Our data are available to non-members on an annual subscription basis or a one-off purchase. Our data subscribers receive the report and time series data for the activity index, sector and selected states via email each month.
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