Ai Group has assembled a range of resources to assist members to plan for and respond to emergencies and connect to available support.
Businesses may be impacted in multiple ways from emergencies such as bushfires, extreme weather events and floods. This could include direct impact on business premises and assets, impact on employees, suppliers, customers and other key stakeholders, and environmental issues such as heat and smoke which may increase workplace health and safety risks.
Ai Group has assembled a range of resources to assist members plan for and respond to emergencies and connect to available support.
Queensland weather events
Support is available to those recovering from Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
There is still State Government financial assistance for small businesses in the wake of the 2025 North Queensland floods.
Northern NSW Tropical Cyclone Alfred severe weather
Support is available to those recovering from this natural disaster.
2024-25 Western Victoria bushfires
For information on support available for those impacted by the 2024-25 bushfires visit Relief and Recovery - VicEmergency.
Queensland Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred, March 2025 - Services Australia
Queensland natural disaster assistance page
Disaster support and recovery | Community support | Queensland Government
Small business disaster hub | Business Queensland
Severe storm preparation for small business | Business Queensland
Is Your Business At Risk Of Natural Disaster? | Get Ready Queensland
Cyclone and storm surge preparation for small business | Business Queensland
Flood preparation for small business | Business Queensland
Drought preparation for small business | Business Queensland
Bushfire preparation for small business | Business Queensland
Prepare and Get Ready - VicEmergency
Recovering from a bushfire | Business Victoria
Evaluate business risk | Business Victoria
Plan and stay safe (
Disaster resilience | Business Victoria
Plan and prepare for fire |
2024-25 Western Victoria bushfires | Emergency Victoria
9 essential steps to prepare for a natural disaster | Business Victoria
NSW Tropical Cyclone Alfred assistance
Tropical Cyclone Alfred recovery updates
NSW floods - information and support services | NSW Government
Disaster Assistance Finder (
Personalised support | Service NSW
NSW small business storms and flood support | Small Business Commissioner
Flood recovery and support: NSW Department of Customer Service
Preparing your business for bushfire season Part 1 | Ai Group
Bushfire Business Response and Recovery Part 2 | Ai Group
Develop an emergency management plan |
Guide to continuing your business |
Business continuity planning | Business Queensland
Business Planning Tool | Business Victoria
Business Continuity Planning template - Dataset - Publications | Queensland Government
Guide to using the business continuity plan template (
The Workplace Advice Line is Ai Group’s national telephone advisory service for all your on the spot workplace related questions.
1300 55 66 77 and press option 1
(Overseas: +61 3 9867 0100). Email:
(Australian Eastern Daylight/Standard Time)
Ai Group State Heads are connected to their respective Governments, including during times of emergency.
Helen Waldron
Head of Member Relations
Head - NSW
0419 346 714
Michelle Farquahar
Head – Queensland
0432 334 994
Dean Deighton
Head – Northern Australia
0475 773 659
Estha van der Linden
Head - South Australia
Timothy Piper
Head – Victoria
0411 430 301
Kristian Stratton
Head - Western Australia
0407 611 807
Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.
Expert guidance and tailored support to small businesses affected by the 2022 Victorian floods.
With almost 300 staff and networks of relationships that extend beyond borders (domestic and international) we have the resources and expertise to meet the changing needs of our membership. We provide the practical information, advice and assistance you need to run your business.