Any purchase currently comes with complimentary access to our updating service until 30 June 2025. Valued at $115 for Ai Group Members and $210 for non-Members! See below for futher details. 

As an employer you are sure to value the dedication and company loyalty of your long serving employees. However, understanding long service leave entitlements can be daunting.

Until such time as the Government introduces its proposed national long service leave entitlements, the Fair Work Act partially preserves previous entitlements via the National Employment Standards and various State and Territory legislation continues to apply.

Ai Group's Long Service Leave Handbook is here to help employers navigate and understand the various long service leave entitlements under modern awards and legislation across Australia.

Some of the features of the publication include:

  • An in depth guide to long service leave legislation across Australia, including legislation specifically pertaining to the building and construction industry
  • 'At a glance' entitlement tables for each jurisdiction and calculation tables
  • Relevant cases that help interpret legislation
  • A comprehensive 'frequently asked questions' section.

Following are some of the questions the Long Service Leave Handbook can help you to answer:

  • My employees were previously covered by the Metal, Engineering and Associated Industries Award 1998 – which entitlements do I apply now?
  • When is an employee entitled to payment for pro rata long service leave on termination of employment or resignation?
  • Do you include shift loadings when paying an employee who is taking long service leave?
  • Are casual employees entitled to long service leave?
  • Can long service leave entitlements be paid out instead of an employee taking the leave?

View Table of Contents

Updating service

To keep our Workplace Relations Handbooks current and with the latest information, we provide an annual updating service. 

Complimentary updating till 30 June 2025!

All purchases of the Managing Leave Handbook include a free subscription to the corresponding updating service until 30 June 2025 (this is valued at $115 for Ai Group Members and $210 for non-Members).

Continuing your updating service

In May 2025 we will send you an invoice inviting you to continue your updating service into the 2025/2026 financial year.

The annual prices for a subscription to our updating service for 2024/25 are shown below. Prices are subject to change from 1 July each year. 

                     Ai Group Member  $115                                                     Non-Member  $210
Hardcopy Handbook

Members: $210.00

Non-Members: $320.00

Includes postage, handling and your personal hardcopy colour binder.