Managing an employee with a long-term illness or injury can be one of the most challenging issues for an employer.

The process needs to balance the requirements of the business and legitimate workplace health and safety concerns, with the needs of the ill or injured employee.

Not achieving the right balance can lead to a range of risks including unfair dismissal, unlawful termination and discrimination claims, as well as breaches of workers' compensation and health and safety laws.

Clear procedures, good communication and a pro-active approach can significantly improve an employer’s ability to effectively manage long-term illness and injury, and minimise the risks.

This popular Guide provides employers with:

  • A step-by-step process covering both work and non-work related illness and injury;
  • Proforma letters to use in communications with the employee and treating doctor;
  • Summary tables outlining state and territory legislation, including requirements under workers’ compensation schemes, regarding:
    • suitable duties or employment,
    • return to work plans and procedures,
    • restrictions on termination of employment, and
    • an overview of disability discrimination legislation;
  • The legislative requirements which may come into play in a decision to terminate employment of an ill or injured employee; and
  • Lessons from decided cases.

Don’t wait: buy your Guide now and receive the proforma letters as soon as your order is processed.

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