Implementing redundancies can be one of the most difficult tasks which a manager faces. Not only will this be an emotionally charged process but there are also a wealth of legal issues that need to be tackled. Prior to implementing redundancies - whether on a small or larger scale - effective planning, communication, and an understanding of your legal compliance obligations and risks is essential, including reviewing existing redundancy practices.

Ai Group's Redundancy Management Handbook is designed to assist employers approach redundancy management with confidence and sets out practical advice on the steps which employers need to take before making any employee redundant.

Some of the issues this publication will explain include:

  • The legal concept of redundancy under the Fair Work Act 2009 (FW Act), Modern Awards and enterprise agreements, with reference to relevant case examples
  • The legal issues arising in the event of redundancy, including notice of termination, redundancy pay, unfair dismissal, redeployment, consultation, discrimination laws and potential relevance of company policies and procedures
  • Managing the redundancy process, including planning and preparation and how to go about consulting with employees and unions, as well as how to select employees for redundancy, including a sample selection criteria matrix
  • Drafting redundancy clauses in enterprise agreements - what should be included and what should be avoided
  • Other issues which may impact upon an employer's decision to implement redundancies, including transfer of business provisions under the FW Act.

To see all the topics and helpful information included in the Redundancy Management Handbook check out the Table of Contents.

Updating service

To keep our Workplace Relations Handbooks current and with the latest information, we provide an annual updating service. 

Complimentary updating till 30 June 2025!

All purchases of the Redundancy Management Handbook include a free subscription to the corresponding updating service until 30 June 2025 (this is valued at $115 for Ai Group Members and $210 for non-Members).

Continuing your updating service

In May 2025 we will send you an invoice inviting you to continue your updating service into the 2025/2026 financial year.

The annual prices for a subscription to our updating service for 2024/25 are shown below. Prices are subject to change from 1 July each year. 

                     Ai Group Member  $115                                                     Non-Member  $210
Hardcopy Handbook

Members: $210.00

Non-Members: $320.00

Includes postage, handling and your personal hardcopy colour binder.