We are immensely pleased to bring our ConTech2025 sponsorship offering to market.
ConTech2025 is locked and loaded for Tuesday, 6 May 2025 at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG).
ConTech2025 will feature the regular dynamic speakers' program with the latest industry information, trade exhibition, evening event and, of course, the all important networking occasion.
We invite you to review the sponsorship package and submit your expression of interest to sponsor your chosen event or activity. All sponsorship opportunities are available to manufacturers of confectionery and suppliers to the industry.
We look forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Jennifer Thompson on jennifer.thompson@aigroup.com.au or Julie Gerrard at julie.gerrard@aigroup.com.au or mobile: 0407 326 160.
ConTech2025 will appeal to a broad range of confectionery and wider food industry professionals, including those in the fields of:
Jennifer Thompson
Technical & Regulatory Manager
Email: jennifer.thompson@aigroup.com.au
Phone: 03 9867 0181
Mobile: 0418 223 170
Julie Gerrard
Event Coordinator
Email: julie.gerrard@aigroup.com.au
Mobile: 0407 326 160